/** * bootbox.js v4.4.0 * * http://bootboxjs.com/license.txt */ ! function(a, b) { "use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], b) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : a.bootbox = b(a.jQuery) }(this, function a(b, c) { "use strict"; function d(a) { var b = q[o.locale]; return b ? b[a] : q.en[a] } function e(a, c, d) { a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault(); var e = b.isFunction(d) && d.call(c, a) === !1; e || c.modal("hide") } function f(a) { var b, c = 0; for (b in a) c++; return c } function g(a, c) { var d = 0; b.each(a, function(a, b) { c(a, b, d++) }) } function h(a) { var c, d; if ("object" != typeof a) throw new Error("Please supply an object of options"); if (!a.message) throw new Error("Please specify a message"); return a = b.extend({}, o, a), a.buttons || (a.buttons = {}), c = a.buttons, d = f(c), g(c, function(a, e, f) { if (b.isFunction(e) && (e = c[a] = { callback: e }), "object" !== b.type(e)) throw new Error("button with key " + a + " must be an object"); e.label || (e.label = a), e.className || (e.className = 2 >= d && f === d - 1 ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default") }), a } function i(a, b) { var c = a.length, d = {}; if (1 > c || c > 2) throw new Error("Invalid argument length"); return 2 === c || "string" == typeof a[0] ? (d[b[0]] = a[0], d[b[1]] = a[1]) : d = a[0], d } function j(a, c, d) { return b.extend(!0, {}, a, i(c, d)) } function k(a, b, c, d) { var e = { className: "bootbox-" + a, buttons: l.apply(null, b) }; return m(j(e, d, c), b) } function l() { for (var a = {}, b = 0, c = arguments.length; c > b; b++) { var e = arguments[b], f = e.toLowerCase(), g = e.toUpperCase(); a[f] = { label: d(g) } } return a } function m(a, b) { var d = {}; return g(b, function(a, b) { d[b] = !0 }), g(a.buttons, function(a) { if (d[a] === c) throw new Error("button key " + a + " is not allowed (options are " + b.join("\n") + ")") }), a } var n = { dialog: "", header: "", footer: "", closeButton: "", form: "
", inputs: { text: "", textarea: "", email: "", select: "", checkbox: "
", date: "", time: "", number: "", password: "" } }, o = { locale: "en", backdrop: "static", animate: !0, className: null, closeButton: !0, show: !0, container: "body" }, p = {}; p.alert = function() { var a; if (a = k("alert", ["ok"], ["message", "callback"], arguments), a.callback && !b.isFunction(a.callback)) throw new Error("alert requires callback property to be a function when provided"); return a.buttons.ok.callback = a.onEscape = function() { return b.isFunction(a.callback) ? a.callback.call(this) : !0 }, p.dialog(a) }, p.confirm = function() { var a; if (a = k("confirm", ["cancel", "confirm"], ["message", "callback"], arguments), a.buttons.cancel.callback = a.onEscape = function() { return a.callback.call(this, !1) }, a.buttons.confirm.callback = function() { return a.callback.call(this, !0) }, !b.isFunction(a.callback)) throw new Error("confirm requires a callback"); return p.dialog(a) }, p.prompt = function() { var a, d, e, f, h, i, k; if (f = b(n.form), d = { className: "bootbox-prompt", buttons: l("cancel", "confirm"), value: "", inputType: "text" }, a = m(j(d, arguments, ["title", "callback"]), ["cancel", "confirm"]), i = a.show === c ? !0 : a.show, a.message = f, a.buttons.cancel.callback = a.onEscape = function() { return a.callback.call(this, null) }, a.buttons.confirm.callback = function() { var c; switch (a.inputType) { case "text": case "textarea": case "email": case "select": case "date": case "time": case "number": case "password": c = h.val(); break; case "checkbox": var d = h.find("input:checked"); c = [], g(d, function(a, d) { c.push(b(d).val()) }) } return a.callback.call(this, c) }, a.show = !1, !a.title) throw new Error("prompt requires a title"); if (!b.isFunction(a.callback)) throw new Error("prompt requires a callback"); if (!n.inputs[a.inputType]) throw new Error("invalid prompt type"); switch (h = b(n.inputs[a.inputType]), a.inputType) { case "text": case "textarea": case "email": case "date": case "time": case "number": case "password": h.val(a.value); break; case "select": var o = {}; if (k = a.inputOptions || [], !b.isArray(k)) throw new Error("Please pass an array of input options"); if (!k.length) throw new Error("prompt with select requires options"); g(k, function(a, d) { var e = h; if (d.value === c || d.text === c) throw new Error("given options in wrong format"); d.group && (o[d.group] || (o[d.group] = b("").attr("label", d.group)), e = o[d.group]), e.append("") }), g(o, function(a, b) { h.append(b) }), h.val(a.value); break; case "checkbox": var q = b.isArray(a.value) ? a.value : [a.value]; if (k = a.inputOptions || [], !k.length) throw new Error("prompt with checkbox requires options"); if (!k[0].value || !k[0].text) throw new Error("given options in wrong format"); h = b("
"), g(k, function(c, d) { var e = b(n.inputs[a.inputType]); e.find("input").attr("value", d.value), e.find("label").append(d.text), g(q, function(a, b) { b === d.value && e.find("input").prop("checked", !0) }), h.append(e) }) } return a.placeholder && h.attr("placeholder", a.placeholder), a.pattern && h.attr("pattern", a.pattern), a.maxlength && h.attr("maxlength", a.maxlength), f.append(h), f.on("submit", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(), e.find(".btn-primary").click() }), e = p.dialog(a), e.off("shown.bs.modal"), e.on("shown.bs.modal", function() { h.focus() }), i === !0 && e.modal("show"), e }, p.dialog = function(a) { a = h(a); var d = b(n.dialog), f = d.find(".modal-dialog"), i = d.find(".modal-body"), j = a.buttons, k = "", l = { onEscape: a.onEscape }; if (b.fn.modal === c) throw new Error("$.fn.modal is not defined; please double check you have included the Bootstrap JavaScript library. See http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/ for more details."); if (g(j, function(a, b) { k += "", l[a] = b.callback }), i.find(".bootbox-body").html(a.message), a.animate === !0 && d.addClass("fade"), a.className && d.addClass(a.className), "large" === a.size ? f.addClass("modal-lg") : "small" === a.size && f.addClass("modal-sm"), a.title && i.before(n.header), a.closeButton) { var m = b(n.closeButton); a.title ? d.find(".modal-header").prepend(m) : m.css("margin-top", "-10px").prependTo(i) } return a.title && d.find(".modal-title").html(a.title), k.length && (i.after(n.footer), d.find(".modal-footer").html(k)), d.on("hidden.bs.modal", function(a) { a.target === this && d.remove() }), d.on("shown.bs.modal", function() { d.find(".btn-primary:first").focus() }), "static" !== a.backdrop && d.on("click.dismiss.bs.modal", function(a) { d.children(".modal-backdrop").length && (a.currentTarget = d.children(".modal-backdrop").get(0)), a.target === a.currentTarget && d.trigger("escape.close.bb") }), d.on("escape.close.bb", function(a) { l.onEscape && e(a, d, l.onEscape) }), d.on("click", ".modal-footer button", function(a) { var c = b(this).data("bb-handler"); e(a, d, l[c]) }), d.on("click", ".bootbox-close-button", function(a) { e(a, d, l.onEscape) }), d.on("keyup", function(a) { 27 === a.which && d.trigger("escape.close.bb") }), b(a.container).append(d), d.modal({ backdrop: a.backdrop ? "static" : !1, keyboard: !1, show: !1 }), a.show && d.modal("show"), d }, p.setDefaults = function() { var a = {}; 2 === arguments.length ? a[arguments[0]] = arguments[1] : a = arguments[0], b.extend(o, a) }, p.hideAll = function() { return b(".bootbox").modal("hide"), p }; var q = { bg_BG: { OK: "Ок", CANCEL: "Отказ", CONFIRM: "Потвърждавам" }, br: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Cancelar", CONFIRM: "Sim" }, cs: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Zrušit", CONFIRM: "Potvrdit" }, da: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Annuller", CONFIRM: "Accepter" }, de: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Abbrechen", CONFIRM: "Akzeptieren" }, el: { OK: "Εντάξει", CANCEL: "Ακύρωση", CONFIRM: "Επιβεβαίωση" }, en: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Cancel", CONFIRM: "OK" }, es: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Cancelar", CONFIRM: "Aceptar" }, et: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Katkesta", CONFIRM: "OK" }, fa: { OK: "قبول", CANCEL: "لغو", CONFIRM: "تایید" }, fi: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Peruuta", CONFIRM: "OK" }, fr: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Annuler", CONFIRM: "D'accord" }, he: { OK: "אישור", CANCEL: "ביטול", CONFIRM: "אישור" }, hu: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Mégsem", CONFIRM: "Megerősít" }, hr: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Odustani", CONFIRM: "Potvrdi" }, id: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Batal", CONFIRM: "OK" }, it: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Annulla", CONFIRM: "Conferma" }, ja: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "キャンセル", CONFIRM: "確認" }, lt: { OK: "Gerai", CANCEL: "Atšaukti", CONFIRM: "Patvirtinti" }, lv: { OK: "Labi", CANCEL: "Atcelt", CONFIRM: "Apstiprināt" }, nl: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Annuleren", CONFIRM: "Accepteren" }, no: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Avbryt", CONFIRM: "OK" }, pl: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Anuluj", CONFIRM: "Potwierdź" }, pt: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Cancelar", CONFIRM: "Confirmar" }, ru: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Отмена", CONFIRM: "Применить" }, sq: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Anulo", CONFIRM: "Prano" }, sv: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "Avbryt", CONFIRM: "OK" }, th: { OK: "ตกลง", CANCEL: "ยกเลิก", CONFIRM: "ยืนยัน" }, tr: { OK: "Tamam", CANCEL: "İptal", CONFIRM: "Onayla" }, zh_CN: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "取消", CONFIRM: "确认" }, zh_TW: { OK: "OK", CANCEL: "取消", CONFIRM: "確認" } }; return p.addLocale = function(a, c) { return b.each(["OK", "CANCEL", "CONFIRM"], function(a, b) { if (!c[b]) throw new Error("Please supply a translation for '" + b + "'") }), q[a] = { OK: c.OK, CANCEL: c.CANCEL, CONFIRM: c.CONFIRM }, p }, p.removeLocale = function(a) { return delete q[a], p }, p.setLocale = function(a) { return p.setDefaults("locale", a) }, p.init = function(c) { return a(c || b) }, p });
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /pass.php:70) in /pass.php on line 77